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Join Shays 2 speakers and other grass roots groups from the Pioneer Valley at the Pioneer Valley Relocalization Workshop
A day of sharing, vision, and empowerment for a healthy, just, sustainable and democratic future
Sunday, September 30, 2007
10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Northampton Center for the Arts
17 New South Street, Northampton
One step to taking power back from unsustainable corporate globalization is a reinvestment in our own communities, building vibrant local economies based on cooperation instead of competition, meeting people's needs instead of manufacturing desires, and respecting the natural environment around us.
Hear Shays 2 board members speak at Plenary sessions in the morning, hear Ward Morehouse speak at an afternoon session and come chat at the Shays 2 table.
Come hear from inspired local grassroots organizations blazing the trail for revitalized, sustainable communities in the Pioneer Valley. With speakers, workshops, tabling, local food, arts & more.
Keynote speaker Frances Moore Lappé is launching her new book, "Getting a Grip: Clarity, Creativity, and Courage in a World Gone Mad."
Register now (free) to reserve your seat! Email your name/address/email/organization (if any) to, or call (413) 256-1157. If your organization would like to table call/email (413) 256-1157, For more information, visit:
Pioneer Valley Relocalization Workshop Schedule
AM - Plenary Session Presentations:
PM - Facilitated Breakout Session Discussions:
1:00-2:25 PM -- Breakout Session 1
2:30-3:55 PM -- Breakout Session 2
4:00 PM - Keynote address
Frances Moore Lappé, author
Frances Moore Lappé - Founder, Small Planet Institute (contact: Jess Wilson, Small Planet Institute, 617-441-6300 x115,
Jill Stein, MD - Co-founder and Past MCHC President, health and environmental advocate, (contact: Eli Beckerman, MCHC, 617-821-1453,
Ward Morehouse - Co-founder Shays2 and Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy, author/scholar, featured with Bill Moyers as a national mover and shaker on fighting corporations in an article entitled "Who's Standing Up?" in the Fall 2007 edition of YES! Magazine (contact: 413-584-0722 or
Carolyn Toll Oppenheim - Co-founder Shays2, former Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times reporter, taught public affairs reporting at Emerson College (contact: 413-584-0722 or
Michael Garjian - Entrepreneur, former Director of Small Business Development for the Valley CDC, CEO of Vee-Go Energy working in alternative, non-food based fuels (contact: 413-527-7440 or
Nat Fortune - Associate professor of physics, Smith College. Co-director Kahn Institute research project on "Sustainable Houses, Homes, and Communities" (contact: 413-665-6739 or
Jack Kittredge - Social Action Coordinator for the Northeast Organic Farming Association, Massachusetts Chapter; Editor of /The Natural Farmer/; Owner of Many Hands Organic Farm (contact: (978) 355-2853,
Lynn Benander - Manager, Coop Power, President and CEO of the Cooperative Development Institute and the Northeast Federation of Cooperatives, (contact: 413-773-8898,